The Loop MC offers a variety of workshops and training
to help you achieve your personal and career goals.
Team Effectiveness Program
Our approach integrates a traditional team effectiveness programme with an extensive coaching approach, allowing participants to use their individual strengths, raise self-awareness, and work on development areas to maximise individual and team effectiveness.
The typical programme components, spread across 6 months include:
Months1-3 (Phases 1 & 2)
- Team diagnostics/questionnaire
- Intro to team
- 1-day, face-to-face workshop
- 1-2-1 Follow up coaching session
- 1-day group workshop/systematic feedback
Learning Design Workshop
The Learning Design Workshop introduces participants to a novel approach for designing learning experiences, in particular addressing some of the typical processes of Instructional and Curriculum Design, such as the design of learning objectives and assessment strategies.
This workshop can be held in either a face-to-face or a virtual configuration. The workshop usually takes 6 hours, including introduction, practical exercises, and discussion. Custom and more in-depth workshops can be offered as full-day or multi-day interventions as well.

Coaching Retreats
Our 1-day retreats enable you to rethink your life and plan your next chapter, whether that means your career, your relationship, or even the way you live. These popular options are guided by caring, empathetic life coaches who understand what it’s like to hit a block that you can’t get beyond.
Whatever your dreams, a coaching retreat can set you off on your journey – often with a pre-retreat workbook. Many of our coaches have psychology backgrounds and will draw on their knowledge to guide you. You decide how deep you want to go.
We also offer fully-customized workshops focused on self care that are designed to meet your unique needs.
Natural Leadership Program
1-day Masterclass & 3-day intensive training program
The Natural Leadership Program is designed for early-career managers who want to learn the skills, tools, and habits of successful leaders.
Participants will gain clarity on their professional roles and receive tips on guiding others through important business changes. They will learn to build courage and empathy, develop resilience, and discover and apply their natural leadership style.
With the Natural Leadership Program, you have two options. The 1-day Masterclass is sure to get your started on your leadership journey. The more intensive 3-day training will help you build your skills beyond what you’ve ever imagined.
It’s up to you to choose how far you want to go. You may attend either training or both!
The Natural Leadership Program offers both English and Dutch sessions.

Influencing Skills Workshop
The Influencing Skills Workshop is a 1-day F2F training integrating role play simulations and coaching.
The ability to persuade and influence others is a key leadership skill. Participants will learn to recognize their influencing style, influence a situation, garner support ideas, generate higher levels of collaboration, make efficient and sound group decisions, and handle push back from colleagues.
Learning components include:
- Identifying the parties that can impact the decision at hand
- Understanding different influencing styles and how to respond to them
- Aligning goals, strategies, and actions
- Being proactively assertive
- Actively listening
- Uncovering motivations and interests
- Recognizing hidden opportunities for collaboration
- Being aware of how assumptions drive behavior and affect results